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Red River Fishing on the bank @ Lake Texoma Flood Gates 7.30.15
Fishing below the dam @ flooded Red River @ Lake Texoma 5.28.15 (video 1 of 2)
Fishing below the dam @ flooded Red River @ Lake Texoma 5.28.15 (video 2 of 2)
Texoma flood gates 5-24-15
Red River at Denison Dam
Red River Flooding I35 & Lake Texoma(3)
Red River fishing with son Bryan at dam floodgates on Oklahoma side.. 10.4.15
Texins Lake Texoma Club Flood of 2015
Lake Texoma dam floodgates video 1 of 3
Fishing for catfish on the Red River below the Denison Dam 8.16.15
Red River Stripers
Lake Texoma